Weren’t supposed to take a day of rest sometime? I am sure we were, but I decided that I should go to chruch with my husband at least twice a month. He attends a church in the afternoon, so we went in the morning to church together and in the afternoon.
The only problem was it is held right at my youngest son’s nap time, so it made it is little hard to concentrate. I got back after he fell asleep and got to hear the end of the church service. It was a long service, but not quite three hours, so we got home around 5:30 pm. after being gone almost all day.
I have alot of pickles to make today, laundry to do and put away, and jars to collect before I make the pickles. I think I may have found some down the road, so that is not too bad! Right now we are working on school! I got a late start this morning as for some reason, I was just so tired. I had a nightmare also before I woke up that did not help matters of my in-laws showing up without notice, the house was a wreck and i left 2 of my boys at the library! All horrible things to me!