Today has been very busy and I still have a long list to accomplish. The homeschool group is having a swap meet so I am checking through things to see what I can get rid of and swap for something else, or just maybe share with someone else.  There was also a missionary group we could have gone, but I weighed my pros and cons and decided not this month! I am getting the boys involved in a chess  club though once a week now.

<p> On Sunday I was babysitting my nieces and their dog all day, which went well, but the house was a big mess last night. I had to do some cooking for  a recipe exchange we were having at MOPS this morning. I made  finger jello with fruit juice instead of regular jello, blender coconut cream pie, and some gingerbread which has no sugar in it.  They are just simple recipes, but nothing exoticly healthy or anything! I also was in the nursery at church as well, and there was a meal at church, so I got up and fixed Cheesy scalloped potatoes and ham and a large pan of apple crisp.  I cooked the potatoes the night before and mixed up the sauce and put it all in the crockpot, so it was fairly easy. The dish was almost empty on both, so I guess it was good!

Well, I have a package to mail, letter to copy and envelopes to stuff today as well, so I had best get busy.
We are going to go out to dinner tonight as Sizzler gives birthday people a free meal. We buy dinner for the boys and it is a  frugal meal!

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