Things Worth Remembering
By Jackina Stark
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko

Maisey is an excited bride!! She has dreamed of this day since she was five years old and asked for for a bride doll! Her mother has also been dreaming of this day or days when they would shop for the wedding dress and prepare for this day….but something is wrong in this story. One night her daughter calls to tell her that she found a "dream of a gown" and she bought it without her. The mother feels dejected and wonders why she is letting herself be bothered…It is silly she should feel hurt. She should be excited her daughter found the gown.  They used to be so close. What happened one summer that changed all that? As you read through this story, you will re-live it with each  of them, mother and daughter.

My Review:
You start this story with the mother who is anxiously waiting her daughter’s arrival and her daughter is late and soon you start to wonder what on earth the daughter’s problem is…..and you are are not the only one. Her husband to be starts to wonder, her friends wonder as you find that Maisey is preparing for her wedding day and not involving her mother at all. Through the story you hear the stories or memories that Maisey’s mother is remembering of their closeness and companionship and you wonder why are they so distant now. Bit by bit, the author gives you bits and pieces of the story and fills in the blanks and you realize the why behind it all, but the reason I give this well written and interesting story only three stars, is I felt like it was not soon enough. I felt like I had to hurry through the book in order to figure it out as there was not enough info to make me want to enjoy the story, but instead after I figured it out, I wanted to go back and re-read. For that reason, I did not enjoy the story as much, but this is just me……. I also sort  wanted to whack the daughter a bit and say "Get over it!!! It was between your mom and dad and you did not even know the details."  Maisey’s story shows you also why you should not assume things and carry a grudge for years. Often things are not as they seem.  It is a great story of forgiveness though in the end!
(This book was provided by Bethany House Publishers for review)

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