I fear I am starting to sound like a broken record, but would you believe it I was sick again?

Yep, I got the flu! It was not a fun day, but I am hoping I am all better today although I am very weak, and will not want my picture taken for awhile.

You know it is bad when your son tells you look like you have black eyes!

Anyhow, other than that life has been all fine, Fred was able to get the cars brakes tested yesterday and we found it will not cost quite as much to have them changed. I have a few other things to figure out how to fix on the car too, like the turn signals and a brake light, I guess, isn't working. I got teased bya Russian guy because I was telling him what I guessed was wrong with the car. I don't think he had a woman tell him she thought she knew what was wrong before.

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    I hope you feel better soon, Martha!

    I think a basic auto mechanic class should be a must for all new drivers (and us old ones who don’t know much about cars!). Hmmm…wanna teach one in my area? :-)


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