On Friday something happened to my keyboard and it stopped working. It was very said and I thought, oh well, maybe I will get alot of things done without the computer!


I think I have come to depend on the computer alot or at least the whole family has. I went to write letters and could not mail any because all my addresses were on the computer. My husband wanted to check up on some news he heard on the mudslides in the Philipines and couldn't.I was going to do some sewing, but some of the measurements were on the computer.

So, I guess don't break the keyboard when you have a long weekend! It sure makes for a dull weekend! At least I did cook a nice dinner on Sunday.

We had roast chicken that roasted in the crockpot while we were at church, Mashed potatoes that my lovely husband peeled and starting cooking before we got home, roasted garlic carrots and broccoli and flaky biscuits.

It was really , really tasty!

I had a nice dinner with me and the boys as Fred had to leave before it was done cooking and had his later.

I am not sure, but I think I may make chicken pot pie or chicken soup from the large pot of simmering broth I have on the stove.

I sort of got a little discouraged yesterday as here I was with free time on my hands, and yet I really had nothing I could do for anyone or to visit with. I started to feel rather lonely!

Then Paul (almost 8) came to me and comforted me saying how he will be there with me and being such a sweetheart!

Another thing I learned this weekend, Never let you child drink from a sippy non-spilll cup with grape juice in it on your blue and white comforter!

They do leak or the childs mouth can leak and comforters do not need to be washed frequently!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Sweetie

    I’m glad to you were able to get your computer up again quickly! I understand the dependance that we seem to have on our computers. I know I access mine every day, and miss it when I’m away from it! Anyway, just wanted to say *I understand the frustration you had!*
    Hope your day is great tomorrow!

  2. cappuccinosmom

    Hey Martha,
    You once asked to see pictures of my house. Well, I have new pics up on my blog, and if you look at the backgrounds carefully, you can see bits of my living and dining room. :D

    Also, I don’t want you to think I’m slacking. I still haven’t recieved TEACH yet. :(

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