What is that for a interesting title! <p> I drove up to my parents house on Wednesday, we had a smooth trip up and got there, spent some time at the birth center as mom has finished appointments there, the boys played in the back yard and picked plums (I came home with a huge bag of them!) Here is my 2 youngest with my sister’s baby.It is funny because the one who is holding the baby, my sister used to take care of alot , and now he is holding her baby! <p> When I got to mom’s, we put the turkey for Thursday night away and I made a enchilada casserole. It was a little different as she had some cooked round steak we used chopped up fine for meat, but it was really good! <p> That night I was sleeping on the couch, I would finally get comfortable and then my youngest would want to sleep on top of me "I want to see you!!!" he would wail, if I moved! Sometime in the night, maybe around 3 am, I was woken up from a not so deep sleep by a horrible racket! The dog was going crazy, barking, growling and just so upset! Mom had mentioned they had some trouble with a bear in their garbage cans, so sure enough come morning the evidence was spread around and I had gotten almost no sleep. I got up at one point and shoved gauze in my ears to block the noise! I ended up on the phone with fish and game to talk to them about what we should do and they delivered a garbage can with a lock. The next night was quieter, I only heard the neighbors dog, barking, howling and growling! I guess when mom talked to the lady she knew what she was calling about before she spoke as she had just got off the phone with a neighbor! Today was opening bear season so they hope they get taken care of. There is several of them, but they are just black bears and not really dangerous unless cornered. They are quite cowardly! I had a friend who chased one off with a broom! <p> Mom and I went through these dusty, shelves of schoolbooks. They used to have a wood furnace and it generated so much dust, it is amazing! I was filthy when I finished, but we had a large box to give away, a whole bunch to sell and some for a friend who needed some and some for me! Plus the bookshelves were still pretty full of storybooks she did not know where they were! I listed alot of them, I was so shocked at how much some of them went for! One BJU reader retailed for $37! One reader!!! Ouch! <p> I also "got" to go to the dentist on Thursday, it was not too bad, my teeth are healthy (Yay!!) I was a little surprised, but it is great! No wisdom teeth either! I guess I have none! <p> On Friday, we finished some of the schoolbooks, I also cleaned out some jars that I had left from a few years back when I moved. We buried some of the food way in the back of the property so if the bear finds it, he will be far away. Some of it was a little scary how old it was! So, I loaded the car and then we helped my brother move. He got his own apartment after renting a room from mom. I am so glad he is on his feet again. It is a nice place! After moving we went to Pizza Hut where my sister and her husband work and ate a late lunch before leaving. I got to stop at the Amish store on the way out of town and spent about $10 on a bunch of snacks and other stuff. They had goldfish crackers for .59 a bag. <p> So, life is going on! the boys had alot of fun, they are tired, but they actually went to bed on time for the first time I think at my moms in a long time, they just unhooked their TV and are not really watching it anymore. It was only one once while I was there to show me pictures off the video camera.
What a great picture of beautiful children! And that baby is SO pretty!!!