Crazy week….

This week, we got some things piled up. My brother has been staying with us, and my son who has been going to someone's house for school, was home all week. We had two classes…


The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen

The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko <p> Book Description:Believing herself guilty of a crime, Olivia Keene flees her home, eventually stumbling upon a grand estate where an elaborate celebration is in…


Desert Fire

My Review: My review of this book is not complete as I have been trying to keep up with my reading and this one is next. I was supposed to take it with me when…


Why do I read?

I know sometimes people will wonder why someone reads so much? I tend to read more when I would like to think about something else, but why do I read? It is a $100 question!!!…


Sunny, warm, Saturday….

Yesterday went well!!! My arms are aching from all the rolling out, but it kind of feels good, you know like when you really give hem a workout? The kids I think, had fun, and…


Meals and more

Sometimes homeschooling different levels can just be overwhelming!!! I mean, does everyone have children who misplace books partway through the year? We have been doing pretty well this year, although you might not agree if…


Pajama School by Natalie Wickham

Pajama School by Natalie Wickham Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko <p> The story of a  homeschool graduate and how she made a difference!!! <p> I found Natalie's story very encouraging and interesting. She really brings the…