We headed up to the WK on Saturday, June 9th! It was a cold, wet day, but thankfully I was able to borrow a cover for our booth and it helped so much!

This was my bookstore booth! I only brought 2 good sized boxes of books and couple misc. I sold a bunch of books and it was so much fun to tell the people about the authors I love to read. Some of the girls kept coming back and buying more and more books!


In the car

It was so cold…and I took a short break, attempting to warm up and eat lunch…Photobucket

It was served by the community south of us….and was tasty as usual.
I glimpsed some quilts being sold while eating and warming up.

I loved this one!! I think it went for over $475.

The view from my booth

Mom and my good friend Bonita…who came to entertain us and warm us up!

I look awful….but I was freezing and had three layers on..

Still friends after many years!! And our other friend, Rick, has never grown up, obviously!

When I was done, I stopped to deliver a present to Bonita’s sister, Tonya…a kitchen aid mixer, from her other sister. This was the staged hand off of the mixer!!

It was a very fun, very cold day…..but so glad we did it!

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  1. JoAnn

    Looks like a fun time, and I love that ‘staged’ picture. So funny. :)

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