All summer we go to the library….really often…I call it our second home. I am sure they get tired of seeing us there. But one good thing, is all our neighbors know who we are by sight anyhow, as we walk by….usually the boys trying to race ahead on bikes or scooters and mom power walking behind. Yes, truly….by the time I have walked there…it a bit over a mile..I can have worked up a sweat on even a cool day.

I love our neighborhood though. As we walk there are all kinds of historical houses, with plaques on the front lawn telling how old they are.
We love to walk down our street, where we pass several very large houses…which the boys call mansions….and observe how the people live, what they have done to their yard.

The bike tires were flat, so off on scooters they went tonight.

They are waiting for me at the stop sign….

L. was later doing ballet moves on the scooter….and wanted to capture it on film….but alas…I am not that talented!

After we visited the library and I searched for books on how to do your own plumbing as I am considering fixing my bathroom sink sink myself, we ran home before the pizza crust dough overflowed….and made pizza.
This ugly, but very yummy, veggie pizza with some slivers of meat on it…was what was left after dinner as they mostly prefer plainer pepperoni pizza. There was only a few of those left, you see in the picture.

We spent the afternoon de-cluttering and cleaning the basement. It feels really good and inspired the boys whom, when they got home from the library, cleaned their room nicely as well.
The lighting is really bad, so I tried to brighten it and not so great…but this is the clean family room and you can sort of see into their bedroom.
I think school will feel easier tomorrow!

Cleaned up pantry shelves in the laundry room
The lighting is not good in here, I need to get an overhead light in there. I just finally plugged in a lamp. It is cleaner, although there are some still some boxes from when we moved in here 2 years ago that i still need to go through.

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  1. Amber

    Good for you! I worked on stuff today as well. Moved some pictures around and moved the desk in the livingroom. I also did some school shopping and planning….all in all, it doesnt look like much, but I am happy!

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