Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Greater than all my sin;
How shall my tongue describe it,
Where shall its praise begin?
Taking away my burden,
Setting my spirit free;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.<p>
Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
Greater far than all my sin and shame,
O magnify the precious Name of Jesus.
Praise His Name!<p>
Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching to all the lost,
By it I have been pardoned,
Saved to the uttermost,
Chains have been torn asunder,
Giving me liberty;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.<p>
Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching the most defiled,
By its transforming power,
Making him God’s dear child,
Purchasing peace and heaven,
For all eternity;
And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.<p>
(Taken from CyberHymnal)
This is one of my favorite hymns, it is also alot of fun to sing, when you have all the parts singing! <p> It can always make my heart feel like soaring! It reminds me how when we were so defiled, He had grace on us in our mistakes.<p> I make alot of mistakes everyday, we struggle in our daily lives, but if it were not for the grace of our Lord, none of us would be where we are. <p> We learn with our children when we extend them grace when they fail or give in to the sin nature that tempts us, even when they are in trouble, we love them. It makes me know how God loves us as well!
Thanks for posting that! I was in need of a reminder of God's grace toward me. I easily get caught up in legalism and condemn myself so quickly. I am praying that God will change that in me and that I will truly walk in the freedom of his grace.
That is also one of my favorites!
There is something about sea- and ship-imagery in hymns that really speaks to me.
I love that hymn as well!!
That is one of my favorite songs!
We sing it a lot at our singings.: )
I agree that it sounds nicest when all of the parts are going.It sounds fine with just girls,But when you have boys,It sounds Much better!(Sometimes we visit our friends,and we all enjoy singing together,only thing is,they don't have any brothers.and sometimes they want to sing songs with parts.But,We can't because there's No boys to do the Men's parts!)I LOVE youth singings!I think It sounds Beautiful!And It's So Enjoyable to Just Sing!
Have a nice day!
KateEdited by Katherineleigh on Nov. 13, 2007 at 11:12 AM