when you just wish you could relax for once? I realized last week, I am not very good at relaxing. I have been trying, really hard, but last night, I settled down to rest by the computer for a moment and then boys hopped back out of bed, I caught my foot on the keyboard and sent it and the mouse all crashing to the floor, in going down to pick it up, somehow I sent the wheel of the chair over my toe, smashing and scraping it. All in a relaxing night……. Then I start dreaming about just one day, one night without responsibilities or worries and it doesn’t happen. <p> this week was harder as those little life things were harder to deal with as my sister who is pregnant, is having a surgery on Monday to try to save the babies lives. It is hard and sad  as she is trying to make huge decisions about this and you feel so helpless. Then I pile on the other responsibilities I have and realize that  I have not had time since the school year started to do much of anything. It makes me want to just stay home all summer and do nothing. Everyone is talking about going to camps, camping and right now, I  just  want to catch up on my laundry for once! <p>
I sold a bunch of books this last week. I went to a Shonda Parker conference and picked up a bunch of her books at a discount to re-sell and have been busy with that. I have a couple more packages to mail out……<p> We had our end of the year preschool/kindergarten co-op program  on Thursday, it went well. They acted out a changed story of little Red riding hood. T. had so much fun being the wolf, he had alot of character……at the end he said he was sorry, it was not nice what he did and they were all friends and had lunch together!!! I wish it was like that in real life sometimes! <p>
Yesterday, there was a baby fair in town and I spent from 9-almost 4 sitting there, talking to people, handing out my business card, fliers and entering names for a giveaway. I need to call the name on Monday for them to pick it up! i hope it helps get the word out there about my doula services somewhat. i did not walk around or see if the other doulas were there. I saw one walk around, but I know she is almost a midwife as well. There are a couple of young doulas starting out that have not had any experience and I am trying to think of how to help them….I don’t feel all that experienced myself, but I know I have more than they do.
<p> i have pictures, it just means, I need to bring the camera downstairs. On Friday, I am scrapbooking, hopefully all of our trip pictures…..so   i need to make sure they are all printed out!

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