I wrote a long post yesterday and somehow it vanished! <p> We have had alot of blessings this week! We got our washer fixed! That is a huge blessing!  I am catching up on laundry that needed to be done for weeks!  I think that washing machines are one of  God’s blessings to mothers. It seems like everything that is dirty and gross can be set to rights again, even though it seems so horrible. It seems like a strange analogy, but sort of like God’s forgiveness! <p> T. is almost potty trained! I am sure we will still have our share of accidents, but suddenly last week we have gone from wearing diapers all the time and going on the potty between changes to  wearing underwear even in public places.  It is somewhat amazing to me, but made me realize why I wait until they train themselves!  I get so grossed out by some accidents, so this is a big help! It did not quite hit me until I was at the store and I realized I am not going to be buying very many diapers. He is dry often at night too, so it may be none sooner than I think! <p> We had the busiest week,  the blessings were interwoven.  My mom and siblings came down for a visit and my sister who is in school came up. I made a big dinner and it was so nice to see everyone and visit. My little sister stayed at my house and read "The Prince and the pauper" while I  made shredded beef enchiladas.  They were really yummy!
We got to visit with mom for awhile and talk about all sorts of stuff usually surrounding pregnancy it seems like, but it was fun! <p> F. and I had a first time home buyers classes and they are very interesting! I love to be informed and it is nice to  understand the proceedings and what is the right way to go about it and the wrong way.  We heard back from one part of the loan and are waiting until the middle of next week to hear about the rest which tells us what kind of house we can buy. Today F. and P. got all excited about one particular house and I had to remind them that it may not be here when we go to look at it! It did sound nice, but all the pieces have to go together. <p> We had a good bible study and were talking about complaining. It went through some verses in the bible and talked about there is a time to complain, but most of the time it is not good, even if socially acceptable. It was interesting to think it through and made me think about how we use our words. Another blessing at bible study was one of the lady’s there, blessed us by sharing a banana box full of bananas. They were not overripe, but getting close, but still good to eat. But today we are making  a bunch of banana bread. It will make good snacks  this next week! I am thinking maybe I might make a banana cake too, and I am baking regular bread. <p> I have some really sweet friends that since it is long distance to talk to them, I have to talk to them on weekends. This morning, my one friend called at 7:30 am  as she was dealing with a fussy baby and getting a turkey stuffed and in the oven. It is always fun to catch up with them! <p>
This week we  got  special gift in the mail which was a great blessing and surprised my husband and me. It reminds me that God is in control and He knows all our needs before we ask Him!
<p> Well, time to go change laundry around, finish bathing the next boy and start the rest of the cleaning!

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