How many of you have time for hobbies?  I have always been able to make time for reading, but lately have not even had time to keep up with that as much. <p> Sometimes I wonder if this is good, but sometimes when I get the time, I am too tired  or I end up sitting and writing on here instead! <p> I have alot of things I enjoy doing, but have given them up one by one.  Cross-stitching, sewing, scrap-booking, writing and now reading? <p> I  know though it is just a season of time when my children are younger and there will be more time later, maybe???<p> Aww, who knows, but I sort of have been thinking about things with my grandmother’s illness and how it is good to enjoy life  to the fullest as we do not know when  God will call us home.  I start to think about the things that are really important. Are my hobbies that important or spending time with the boys? Are running here and there to stores, sports, music lessons, and whatever else I can find to keep busy.  They are good things, but sometimes they make me forget what is important. Loving other people, my children, my husband and bearing other people’s burdens. <p> In our bible study this morning we read a verse which said "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ". That really hit me hard as this is something that is so important! God really blessed me this past week and half by other people really bearing my burden and they did show me God’s love in a very real way.  I have  felt really supported and  so loved by  many people of God.  You know, we may not all believe the same things exactly, but you know  we all really love the Lord and they showed it in a physical sense. <p>
So, I may not have time for my hobbies in a long time, but hopefully I learn  really how to bear one another’s burdens!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    That is so true. I know for myself I can get all worked on on what I want to do and then feel annoyed because I can't get to them, because family is needing my attention first. Yes, hobbies can wait, we need to focus on what is most important. Life is short…

  2. loefflermom

    Oh, I thought blogging was my hobby!

    You had good thoughts on this. If I am honest though, sometimes I wonder if I am becoming a dull person because I am not involved in much besides the kids.

    Sometimes I am so focused with doing things right that I am not trusting God to make me who He wants me to be.

    It sounds like you had a fantastic shopping trip. That is great.

    It is snowing here, Sunday afternoon, the roads and roof tops are already all white and the grass is disappearing quickly. I haven't seen a forecast. Hope you get some too!


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