You ever let your mind get carried away with assumptions? It can be easy to do.

I know that I have been very distressed that someone was upset with me, based on a cryptic  text or email, only to find out that once again, I thought it was about me, when in reality, they were super tired and just didn’t communicate well.


We can look at a photo and assume laziness, disobedience, or even abuse, when truly we read the photograph wrong.

Assumptions can ruin someone’s life. They can go too far and make someone feel absolutely horrible about themselves. It hurts when someone assumes that my children’s learning disabilities are because of a lack of teaching or because of lack of smarts.

It truly pains me when someone feels that assuming that they know why someone is treating you badly, and assume it is because of a fault you committed.

It is also easy to assume that everyone is thinking ill of you when they are not.

If we did a little less assuming and a little more listening, seasoned with grace, it would make life much easier and smoother.

When we get the cryptic email, writing back and asking if they are okay could solve and clear it all up.

If we hear someone was sick, we don’t assume they have not tried essential oils. Instead, you might ask before you flood their inbox with expensive vitamins and oils they can purchase from you. On the flip side, I can assume they meant the best when they did that, but also send back a firm reply with my wishes and boundaries on the topic.

Assumptions can kill friendships, ruin families and destroy marriages. We can do better with reframing how we think and how we assume.

Don’t assume the worst or even the best of someone.

Don’t assume someone is safe that has abused others in the past because you want to think the best of them.

Don’t assume that when someone gets divorced that “there are two sides to every story”. Sometimes there is only one.

Don’t assume that someone is out to get you. Be wise, careful and safe. But don’t go on the offensive to start.

The power of the assumption can control our life. It can make us believe in ourselves or doubt our decision making. We can assume that we are worthless because others have told us so in their assumptions. We can believe a lie because everyone else assumed along with you.

Break the power of assumptions.

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