Life has been a bit hectic here. On Monday morning, a friend had her home birth here. I was up all night again and am still exhausted. I was just recovering from the last one. She had a beautiful baby girl though… and it went smoothly, did not mess up life much at all, except we have missed 3 days of school.

Today we went grocery shopping. I stocked up on chicken to put in the freezer, which was nice.
Here is the menu for the week:

Wednesday: Spicy chicken/broccoli/pepper stir fry and rice-

Toss cubed chicken with flour, add to hot oil that 2 cloves of garlic was added to. Add frozen red pepper strips and bag of broccoli when browned. Cook until defrosted and hot. Mix 1 c. water with 2-3 T soy sauce, couple dashes of red pepper flakes, black pepper, and 1.5 T cornstarch.  Add to pan and cook until thick. (Also good if you add some orange juice)  Serve over rice

Thursday: BBQ ribs, mashed potatoes, salad

Friday: Layered dinner- I saw this variation on a shepherds pie and thought I would try it. You grate the potatoes instead of mash them.

Saturday: Chicken legs, potato wedges, carrots and dip

Sunday: Leftovers….sandwiches, popcorn and zucchini bread

Monday: South American dinner…..rice, salad, small finger steaks, fried egg, tomato salsa without hot peppers and fried potatoes

Tuesday: Arroz con Pollo, Baguettes with Dulce con Leche on it

Today was sort of a red letter day… ever have one of those? It seemed like I was trying to get things done. I worked hard to try to get all this paperwork together to turn in and still after all that work found out they have to have copies of all of the boys birth certificates. Not too bad, except that in one of our moves two of the boys certificates vanished. I replaced one, but still have to the replacement from MN for my second son. Thankfully I remembered I had a copy still somewhere, and so I can use that! Whew! Thank God for people with some OCD sometimes.

After running around grocery shopping, post office, library, turning papers in, I took time to eat, but it ended up only being a yogurt and handful of cereal. By 6 pm, I was shaky and dizzy and not thinking straight. Even getting to eat, I still was not okay and got distracted while backing up and put a dent in the bumper of my van. Yeah. I still feel sick about it.

I then almost did not go to a meeting to decide about a book club at Borders, but was really glad I did as it relaxed me to talk about books and made me feel happier. I think it will be fun!

I signed up P. for basketball and am a bit stressed at the extra stuff it is adding, but he is so excited and having alot of fun with it. So, that is good! Now, if we could just learn about how to not find joy in tormenting and teasing little brothers, we would be perfect.

I talked to a friend today who met a lady in AK. at the library, they were talking and found out that the lady in AK has a sister who goes to the same church as me. She has seen me and knew who I was….who knew…? I am famous for being an American who goes to a Russian speaking church.
Also, she said I was small and skinny….somehow that does not sound as romantic as slender…I like slender better. Oh well, at least it is not small and round.

I read a really good book the other day. It was called “The Healer’s apprentice” if you are a fan of Medieval  times or the Princess Bride, you should check this Cinderella type story out. It is by Melanie Dickerson. It was a great book!

Believe it or not, I have actually been so busy, reading has been hard to find time for. I am stressed as a result and it needs to slow down.  Yesterday, I dropped off my son for his science class two hours too early. Yes, really. Thankfully it worked out, but I knew I was going to smash something with the lack of sleep.

Hopefully Friday, my window in the boys room will be fixed, we will go buy a different kind of plumbing snake tomorrow and fix the clogged drains we have and yes, that is plural….one the boys washed chocolate cake down and soap among other things and the other is clogged with hair. I will also be buying a hair trap cover.

Next week, I am going to a conference in Missoula and maybe a mini vacation….not sure how it will work, but hopefully it is fun and I learn all about Gestational diabetes.

So, Good night to you all……here is to a good night and a brighter tomorrow, with no arguments and lots of lovely children who do exactly as they are told.

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  1. Lilyofthevalley

    Martha, you have been BUSY!!! I really hope you have a nice trip and are refreshed when you come back home! :) ((hugs))

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