It is always good to try your limits and do things you thought you never would do! Today I went to a lunch/playdate with other moms, one of which I knew, the others were strangers. It was really  fun! I am branching out! The weird thing was that I was one of the "older moms". I am feeling old  and do not have little children as much anymore, so it feels odd to me! It almost makes me want to have another baby  right now and that is not a good reason for it…..
It took T. awhile to warm up as we ended up there with just him as the other boys had classes. It was good for him and he had alot of fun. Nancy had made homemade pizza crusts that we all made out own pizza’s. She made the crusts with spelt and kamut and baked them on a stone in the oven. Mine had  tons of wonderful vegetables on it! Mushrooms, olives, green peppers, pineapple, feta cheese, grated carrots, pesto, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese and I think that was all… was yummy!!!  Then she had a fruit salad and homemade whoopee pies made with agave nectar and coconut filling. Everything was really healthy, but really good tasting! It has been awhile since I have had yummy healthy stuff. Some things people say are healthy are kind of odd!!!<p>
I also agreed to teach a class for Teen MOP’s which I really hope goes well, I am pretty nervous about it, but I think I can do it! <p> I  am starting to feel older, probably look older, although I still get comments about it, but I feel ancient! <p>
Anyhow, I have to go start some dessert for a family who had a baby and need to bring dinner……I think we will make shepherds pie and a dessert…..I hope that is good!

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