Even though we had a relatively short winter,  it is so nice to see the sun! It is coming and going, but pretty soon we will not need any heat anymore and we will be suffering from the heat, but for now I am so glad that we have some sun! <p> What a week! Well, a couple of weeks! <p> F.  has an infected tooth and the dentist could get him in on one day this week, but then he could not get it off of work so  he is taking antibiotics and hoping to get in this next week. My cell phone got slightly  damp and I guess it was just enough so it was a sad but fast death for the cell phone. Come to think of it, he may have suffered all night and I did not know it. What a pity!<p> I went to 2 bible studies, a baby shower, and a homeschool planning meeting this week, got the van repaired, caught up on grocery shopping, picked up my broken sewing machine, returned overdue library books, visited the doctor,  plus all the normal stuff of taking care of grandma, teaching school, cooking and cleaning. <p> Our fence has been wonderful!  T. can go out and play for a bit and yet he does not try to get out the window when he is not supposed to now. He does not want to stay out too long as his lovely brothers discovered he is scared of spiders so the mere mention of one, causes him to running shrieking for the house!<p> P. is discovering reading aloud! He has been reading more and more and I got a  fairly easy Dick and Jane book for H. and Paul read the entire thing one night out loud to the other boys! He is  almost done with the R&S set of gingham readers also. They are still a little below his reading level, but  he is  reading for fun, and I am not forcing him! That feels so good! I am working on reading aloud to them also so we started a Sugar Creek Gang book yesterday. I also got a whole stack of Heroes for Young Readers about Gladys Alyward, Eric Liddell and others at the library yesterday!  I wrote out several goals I have before June, one is to compile all the geography and history stuff we learned this year and make a notebook for both of them. I thought that sounds like fun! <p>Well, I need to get to work here! I have a meal to make for a friend.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. drewsfamilytx

    Sounds like a full but busy day!

    Regarding your cell phone, I dropped mine in the bathtub once. Just take the battery off and let the phone and battery dry for a couple of weeks. Then try it again to see if it works. It did for me as well as for a couple of my other semi-clumsy friends!


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