You have to wonder what on earth is going on! Day before yesterday, i did something to my arm and I think mabe a nerve or something got pinched, I have not the slightest clue how to fix it, except leave it and see if it resolves itself. It feels some better today than yesterday, but it hurts really bad, enough to make me cry out a couple times! It really put a crimp in my day as I can’t do most of my normal stuff!

On the same day earlier, the car was doing something weird, I couldn’t really figure it out, but realized that after thinking about it, consulting a mechanic by phone, that it was probably just out of gas! Yeah….

What I was really proud of myself for, was I DIDN’T freak out! I did really good, I did think about it, research it, and calmly went about trying to get it fixed. It was a bit nerve-racking, but I was so pleased with myself and I know God helped me through that one! He can help me with this arm thing also!

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