Do you ever feel that way? It seems like the last week was really hectic and busy, it was filled with alot of good things though!

My grandma, for now, responded to antibiotics and is out of the hospital and still doing well. She got moved into a new apartment and loves it!

I got to help a good friend through a failed induction and ended up getting to watch a c-section, for the parts I could see by short little me peering over the drape (they lowered it a bit for me!). I was at the hospital alot this last week!

My little 16 year old sister (who is taller than me) had a Hope chest party where everyone dressed up old fashioned and had a lovely tea party. Even the moms who did not fit into some of the dresses, pinned on on the front of them for pictures and it looked like they were wearing it. I tried on a antique wedding gown that was really simple and plain, but lovely. We took lots of pictures and then printed some out right there and scrapbooked little story cards. It was alot of fun! G. got some nice gifts also for her hope chest which was fun too! Another sister made all kinds of lovely tea party food which was wonderful, she does not really like to cook, but is an amazing cook when she does!

On the way home from the hospital my muffler came disconnected! I sounded like a race car driver, or worse! It was awful! It was expected though as I did a temp. fix on it last year, so spent a day with the boys traipsing around muffler shops to find the cheapest one! Leave it to be the first one we tried! We did school in the car and in shop waiting rooms that day…

Today we tried to have a planning meeting for MOPS, but several people who want to beon the steering team could not make it, I think I may have signed up to be one of the leaders though and that scares me a bit, but it is good to step out a bit, isn’t it? I have had to do that with TEACH magazine and it is good for me, I think!

It seems weird though to think that T. will be 3 soon, that is scaring me! He has been working me over, this evening I feel like I ran a marathon and there was not an end in sight! My throat hurts from talking, telling and giving instructions. I guess that is the life of a mother!

F. is almost done with the school year and today his boss took, I think, the employees to a park and had a picnic for lunch.

Tonight we had baked macaroni and cheese which I baked in the microwave because of the heat. I know that is not too healthy for you, but we ate a big salad with cucumbers and melba toast crushed up on top! That was good, I have not had that in awhile and I forgot how easy it was!

I have books to read and review and you know, it is hard to get the time to sit down and blog, let alone read them!

Tomorrow we are going for a picnic! I need to get up early and make some stuff to eat, so good night!

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

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