It started snowing on Thanksgiving and has been snowing off and on since then! This morning though things got cold and they closed the schools and canceled MOPS! We were glad as that meant Fred got one more day off work and he needed that!

I think there is about a foot outside! We want to go sledding before it gets too deep! I remember standing outside with our neighbors and being so excited it was snowing. “Will it stick? No, yes, maybe???”

We loved to sled and could not want for winter. How things change when you are a grown-up and have to drive on slick roads. Anyhow, I haven't seen any guesses on my contest! No one is interested? It is really a good book! Maybe I didn't review it good enough! So what state was I born in?

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    I hope you get some sledding in!

    We are having a warm spell, which is great!! :)

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