I hear alot of people talking about the Sabbath day and how they take a rest from the computer and many message boards,  forums, bloggers etc. also do this. <p> I just start to wonder though as I have to admit it frustrates me when it comes to forums because the weekend is my time of rest and relaxing.  I do not teach school  on the weekend (unless we missed alot during the week), we cook easy meals, we just sort of do fun stuff. I do not have friends to go visit on Sunday IRL, so I like to visit with online friends often on that day. <p> I completely  understand when it is for the moderators sake, that is fine,  but I wonder how they interpret scripture this way. <p> I see that God rested from His labor on the Sabbath day, but to me that means we  should make life as simple as we can.  I do work on Saturday and Sunday around the house because some things cannot be left undone.  I do laundry often on Saturday so we have certain clothes clean or wash sheets and blankets.  I try not to make rules, but I try not to go to stores on Sunday.  I use this time to do things like reading, writing letters, visiting, or reading online encouragement to encourage me throughout the week. Since I am at home most of the time with the boys, it helps me to have a different  view of things! <p> I know there are many different views on the Sabbath, but I think that sometimes we need to remember  that there are people who need encouragement more during the weekend than any other time of the week.<p> It is those days that I often get discouraged, lonely and just feel alone. <p> Anyhow, just some thoughts! <p> What do you consider to be the Sabbath day in your home?

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  1. Gena

    We use our Sundays to be together as a family. My oldest daughter usually comes home for the evening meal. I do not refrain from my computer time on Sunday because I love the encouragement I receive from other blogging Christian moms. And, many times Sunday is the only day I have time to catch up on my reading. I do, however, limit my time to when my husband is napping. He loves naps, I don't. My children are not allowed to use the computer on Sundays. They get enough computer time during the week.

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