I have enjoyed several of her books and find them….intriguing. The last one of her's I read I stayed up half the night because I could not put it down. They are very historical. They are not the most fun reading all the time, but are full of American history. I enjoyed reading in Calico Palace about San Francisco and how it kept being destroyed by arsonists int he its early years. One man experimented by building a building from bricks, I believe and having huge containers of water to flood the rooftops in case of a fire. There was a time when the streets were so deep with mud that the stores brought out all the fancy stuff the people back east had sent them and buried in the streets so they would have a firm surface to walk on! Tons of stuff including fancy cookstoves, feathered boas and all!

In Celia Garth a young seamstress is involved in the War in 1779 and all the history that goes along with that. You will meet the oung man who named his horse bible characters, but puzzle you when his horse is named Jerry! (After Jereboam the son of Nebat who caused Israel to sin)

There are many of her other books and I could keep going, but then….what good would that do? Maybe make you go down to the library and try to find out if anyone has her books?

Keep in mind these are old books, but not Christian in the sense…they have more morals than many of our Christian books, but are also open about the sin in those days.

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