We are busy, but it is good busy! It is fun to spend alot of time with the children and doing things with them, even if I am spending a fortune in gas the next couple weeks!

We stayed home most of the week before except for the needed trips out which was good for my organizing! The hallway and living room are not quite put together, but thanks to my dear husband, the laundry is all caught up!

The boys are in swimming lessons for the first time! They are doing great for the first 2 lessons, although it was been a challenge to deal with public restrooms, showers when you are the mom and have little boys! How do moms with all boys deal with that? Just trust their little boys into the huge caverns of bathrooms where you cannot hear them, see them and i was about ready to march in there and find them if they did not show up soon today! I would love tips on this! I can take the younger ones in the girls room, but there are girls in there showering, not the best place for them to be! H. put his face in the water today which was a plus!

I am participating in Relay for Life this year and so have been busy raising money and trying to organize everything for our walk on Friday! It will be a long day, but I think it will be fun. We are going to set up a tent so the boys can go to bed and hopefully I will not have to walk all night! I need to get to bed so save up rest for it! My grandmother and one of my good friends, a penpal suffered through cancer, so it has touched my life in a personal way as I am sure it has manyof yours! It has been a good experience for all of us I think.

My mind sort of went brain dead onmeal planning this week! I am waiting for sales to do grocery shopping, but it is hard to think of cooking when you are busy! Children and husbands still get hungry though…..They are funny like that!

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  1. loefflermom

    I make sure my boys are totally ready to go and then give them strict orders to go straight through. If they don't I would walk to the door and call them and if they don't answer I would not hesitate a second to walk right on in. I have never had to do that my boys normally beat me out but you better believe I would if they didn't. My boys four and under I keep with me and keep their eyes away from the showers.


    Edited by loefflermom on Jun. 22, 2007 at 1:14 PM

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