We spent a little more this week on groceries.  I know that is fairly good though for some people, but I do not usually spend quite that much, but I found some good deals this week on some  things that we can use in the coming weeks.
Olives 3 cans .50 a can
 1 can Diced tomatoes .35
Canned ranch beans .50 (for emergencies if I do not have time to cook beans)
2  large cans peaches .50 each
3 small heads Romaine lettuce $1.49
Scott Toilet paper 4 rolls $1.50
LaChoy chicken chowmein dinner $1.50 (Not something I usually buy, but I have been really wanting this for some reason)
Mac and cheese 2 boxes .39 each
Good earth green tea $1
Meatballs $2 (again not something I usually buy, but it was 32 meatballs for $2  and they were good sized  so it will feed us meat for 2 meals)
Celery $1
Popcorn 2 lbs $1.99 (I found it much cheaper later and was thinking about returning this, but was not sure if it was worth it)
Bread- 3 loaves $2.97 (I gave in and bought it for sandwiches this week)
<p> Total $17.58
Super One<p>
3 avocados . 79 each
3-4 tomatoes .79 a pound
1 box Triscuits (crackers)$1.49 on sale coupon .50 cents off .98
2 cans kitchen cleanser .58 each
3 bags tortilla chips .87 each
4 lbs popcorn $2.58
<p> Total: $11.51
4 gallons milk $10.50
4 lbs bananas $1.30
1 #10 can applesauce $2.50
1 #10 can tomato sauce $2
<p> Total $16.30
<p> Total for week $45.39
You can see my menu on one of the previous posts for the week and see that we have several extra things.  I made a large pot of sauce last night  over 2 gallons of spaghetti sauce which will last for  several meals. I splurged on a couple of extra  things as well. <p> Well, it feels weird to be this transparent…..It is not a very healthy week too as you can see!  I think though I have 6 lbs of popcorn which is way too much, maybe the grinding thing will work out though!


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    You did great! Wow, I sure wish I could find avocadoes for that price. Cheapest I've ever seen them is $1 each. And we loooove avocadoes here!
    BTW, I'm Mom2fur of Sortafrugal.blogspot.com

  2. momtogirls5

    I can't believe that you got out of costco for 16.30!!!
    I call it the 100.00 dollar store. That's about the lowest I can get out for.


  3. pbrfans1

    Don't be so hard on yourself! I think there's a great balance of healthy foods….and when your kids start to get picky you just pick your battles. =) That's amazing prices. I hope I can shop for that little when I have a family of 6. =)

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