I should probably take a before picture, but I do not really want to because I do not want to remember that I ever let it get this cluttered and messy!  <p> We have a small house, but to me it seems fairly large compared to places I have lived.  the problem here is there is only three closets, one in each room and  2 of of  them are very small. <p> So, every year I have to reorganize as things have to be not put away nicely, but under beds etc. and then little boys  get in trouble for getting into stuff that was nicely put away. So, i have been working on a plan for the rooms to change them around and re-organize. I started on Sunday night and  am not  even 25% of the way there! <p> I do a bunch and then get discouraged or have to stop to do something like feed people dinner or something like that! <p> The good news is,  by the end of this week, I will aiming to have at least one room complete, if not both of them!  <p> Fri. and perhaps Sat. morning, we are going yard-saling to find a toddler bed and a small desk to hold my sewing machines. By Sunday, I am aiming to have T. out of my room, or at least his bed out. <p> I am aiming to have it easier to  get and find school stuff, easier to sew, and  most of the extra boxes gotten rid of.  <p> Today I got rid of my broken sewing machine, yesterday, a pile of large (very large) boxes,  and today so far, I have  been working on shelves-re-arranging books so I can get the ones on the shelves that were on the table, desk and floor.  <p> I still have tubs to go through, more clothing from the boys room to wash, and furniture to move around. <p> It does help that I have decided because of gas purposes to only go places Tuesday and Friday, and probably Sunday.  I have to go to my grandma’s on those days anyhow, so  that is why I picked those days.   F. is done working for the summer, and even though he will get a small paycheck, things are going to be tight this month. Thankfully, I made some extra money this month!<p> So, back to work for me! My mess is calling me! <p>


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. kcmyworld

    Ouch! You hit a nerve today. My house should be large enough, but it's only a 2 bedroom with very little storage. Add to that the fact that not only do we conduct school here, my husband has a consulting business and I do freelance writing/editing projects. And the bottom line – I think we just have too much stuff!

    We had the carpets cleaned today, so everything is in an even bigger mess. So, I too, look at it all and get discouraged. So I went outside and deadhead roses – garden therapy!


  2. drewsfamilytx

    It will be SO worth it when you're done!

    It is amazing, though, how <i>long</i> it takes to declutter and reorganize even one room…let alone a whole house.

    Keep up thye good work!

    Marsha :-)

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