My Grandma at my wedding with my brother- in- law, Peter.
Not all of these are the best quality as I had to scan them in and my scanner is not high quality! It is so much better than they used to be, so I am thankful! I remember when we got all excited about scanners, a long time ago! Anyhow, this is some of our favorite relatives with my mom, my grandma and a couple of my siblings who are so small! The girl behind my mom is my sister-in-law’s sister, Marina.
This was several years later, Sept. ’03. I had three children already. My cousin J. came up for a visit and we had alot of fun. We drove over to a town where my dad was going to school, to visit my parents as they were living over about 5 hours. We have been really close the last few years especially, but we have written to each other for a long time!
My cousin again with my mom and my youngest son, asleep. He slept with his eyes partially open.
My cousins daughter and my sister!
Just to remind you, here is a more recent picture of most of us!
My sister to the left of me (looking at the picture) and the girl below her are the same little girls as in the picture above this one. The other cousins look alot like their pictures above so I think you can pick them out. Of course we are with our grandma!
Oh, the baby in one of the top pictures, my mom is holding is the same sister that is to the left of me in the picture here above. Of course, in April that will be 11 years ago…..Yikes!
Thankyou for sharing the pictures. It was nice of you.
Those are great pictures! You have a beautiful family!