I have no idea how to do this so I guess I am going to learn!

It is pretty hard to try out all of this computer stuff!

We just got back from a trip to MN and mom and the girls did alot of work in our house while I was gone. It is really nice and makes it alot easier to clean.

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  1. LoneStarMama

    You will enjoy it here : )

  2. HomegrownHearts

    Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it quickly. You did your first post ok, right? :-) It's a breeze from here on out. If you get stuck, just head over to the help forum and post a question there and we'll try to help! You may even find your question's already been answered for somebody else (the search feature is mighty helpful that way!).



  3. Anonymous

    Hi Martha,

    I used to be on an email group with you (PW) and I just ran across this website today. I was so excited to see your name! I'll be checking back to see how y'all are doing.

    God Bless,

  4. 3FoldChord

    It's nice when someone cleans thehouse for you!

    enjoy your trip and welcome to the HS Blog!

  5. ejoyce,ink

    and welcome!

  6. VictoriaCarrington

    Nice to have you. Good job so far!

  7. gmisch

    Cool! You have a blog! Welcome to the blogging world!

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