For my sister’s Sixteenth birthday my mom wanted to have a Tea/Hope chest party. <p> We were not able to do it right at her birthday so we did it the end of May.  It was fun and we all enjoyed ourselves! Many people dressed up old fashioned and took alot of pictures, then we scrapbooked them after we had an elegant tea.

She got alot of nice gifts for her hope chest that is also pictured there! <p>

Another one of my sisters with my youngest nephew! Isn’t she  just the prettiest picture of motherhood?


Some of the guests and a partial view of our tea table.  It was held in my mom’s birth center. My sister made lots of different  wonderful little  things for us to eat with the tea. It was really good!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. mcgyver959701

    Sounds like you all had alot of fun. A Hope Chest party is such a great idea!

    Thank for sharing!

  2. Anonymous

    That looks like alot of fun… I don't think I would recognize half of your family if I ran into them it has been so long.


  3. cappuccinosmom

    You have such a beautiful family. Your boys (from the pictures at the top) are so handsome!

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