i hope you all had a nice Mother’s day! It was nice here, but I just realized sadly that people have many things to do and accomplish and not many can take a day off. They just can’t as life would stop. It is sad to me that mother’s all over were working on Sunday as waitresses, checkers and other menial jobs, just to make ends meet.
<p> There were people shopping, eating out so others did not have to cook. It also bothers me that stores do not all close on holidays anymore. I remember on Thanksgiving it was everything was closed, except gas stations. Now, people have special sales so you want to go out on Thanksgiving, you want to rush home from your family outings to catch special sales early the next morning. It seems like though in this time where our economy is suffering that maybe people will see how much they have put material goods ahead of people. The problem is that if people do not buy stuff, then the lower people on the job scale suffer, getting laid off, because the company does not have enough money. Waitresses suffer as many people do not go out to eat as much as well as other jobs. But, just a thought, if we stayed home more, did more things that did not cost money, like going to a park, using the library, having picnics in our yard, playing games with friends and family, would everyone be better off? There would not be as much debt it seems if we did not have the money, we just did not spend it, or if we used it to spend for people who are much worse off than us.
<p> I know of people who have such high mortgages that they can barely afford food, gas etc. If the women work they are paying most of their money for childcare, fuel, food while at work and cannot afford to make it unless they never see their family. <p>
I know there is not any real answers here, but I feel frustrated with these things, and wish that sometimes we might spend more time growing the plants in our yard even if we do not like the vegetables, but maybe we can share with someone else. We can even with nothing, have something to give to someone if we take the time, it does not always take money to show someone you care about them. <p> it may be the big picture of economy is going downhill and who can we blame for it…I think though, with the little things we could do to help someone, may help the economy in the future. <p>
Hey, what do I know though?Happy Mother’s Day!
It's a real blessing you're able to stay home with your children. I don't have children, but my mom was stay-at-home too. I took it for granted when I was growing up. but appreciate it now
And this year I thought i would forgo the garden, canning/freezing stuff, but then I see the produce prices go up & decided I can do it again. When I'm freezing corn at midnight, I wonder if it's worth it, but in the middle of winter i sure love my canned/frozen goodies! -Susan Miller
I loved mothers day. But I totally understand what your saying.
I wish I could figure out how to just have more time to sit and have tea. I remember almost everyday my mother having coffee with neighbors.
I suppose when I talk on the phone to you girls it's my tea time.