These past two weeks have not been very exciting. In fact, they seemed like they slogged by, like dragging wheels through molasses.
My camera cord somehow decided to vanish while either I was gone on my trip, or I dropped it somewhere on the trip. Anyhow, that means this post will have pictures added after the fact and I need to work on creating more word pictures.
I left town for almost an entire week, and so we had doubled up on school the week prior, but when I got back, my household was in an uproar. Several things had gotten behind and the minor schoolwork I had left to get done, especially with my high school student, was not done.
The youngest member of the clan chose those weeks to exert a case of extreme stubbornness and pure bullheaded mischief, which has caused no end of trouble. However, I am rejoicing in the little things, as here we are…week #9 and making some headway.
This week we were focusing on the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln, read the story of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, read about General Lee, General Grant, and discussed many sides and topics of the “War Between the States” or our Civil War.
I have learned that many people wish to revise history, and maybe not in the way you are thinking, but they seem to either believe that men and women in history are good or evil and no in-between. I think often, they forget that they were human.
That is one thing we concentrated on this week, we were learning about our own obedience and diligence in schoolwork, achieving goals, and facing hard tasks, but also about how people in history were people just like you and me.
We are working on writing, coloring and learning from nature as well. This past week, we learned about Horse Chestnuts as we observed and collected several on a walk. We found this coloring page to use and identified leaves of several other trees with the younger two, as well as a visiting nephew who is in kindergarten.
I have been reading several books on learning styles, and working with them to encourage learning. I believe it is helping!
We are working on our science modules as well as math, which often needs to be done, re-done and then see if it can be taught a different way so that they can understand. It is always a challenge to see what the day brings.
Alexander Graham Bell, Across Five Aprils, and On the Banks of Plum Creek were some of of our read alouds for this time period.
We created a breakfast area with stuff set up for easy access to breakfast, which seems to be helping with some concentration.
We have cereal, oatmeal packets, and oatmeal, brown sugar in containers. The bottom tub is snacks for after school subjects are completed.
Great and honest post, Martha! We are doing Exploration to 1850 this year and are looking forward to these next 2 cycles. I am keeping tabs on your year so I know what to look forward to!