This next few days are going to be a bit hectic, so  I am trying to plan out the menu with that in mind. I know i will not have alot of time to cook, but everyone still wants to eat, otherwise we have alot more mess!

Wednesday:  Pasta with sauce and sausage, salad
Thursday: BBQ chicken legs, french fries, carrot sticks and cucumbers
Friday: Tator Tot casserole, Salad
Saturday: Shredded beef tacos (put in crockpot in the morning)
Sunday: Leftovers, popcorn
Monday: Chili, cornbread
Tuesday: Chicken, potatoes, carrots roasted with garlic

We will see how this goes……..I also have to budget in for some extras for me eating lunch elsewhere for two days and them at home having easy stuff to grab!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. gmisch

    Looks like a great menu, Martha! We are doing a lot of grill food this summer, to keep the mess out of the house. BBQ chicken tonight!

    I actually updated my blog! Hope you are doing well!


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