Wednesday: Vegetable soup, pumpkin bread, homemade bread
Thursday: Baked potatoes, salad
Friday: Crockpot beef barley soup, bread
Saturday: Leftover soup, Pumpkin muffins
Sunday: Black beans and rice, salad
Monday: Beef stew, bread
Tuesday: Spanish rice with cooked chicken added, salad
Let’s see how well we can stick to it this week!  I made it really simple so I should be able to.  We did not have to buy extra food last week except for a treat when I bought ice cream tonight to go with our warm homemade apple pie! I am all stocked up on flour too! I forgot to make the beans so on Saturday and Sunday we had noodle goulosh instead and leftovers on Sunday, along with some bread that I traded sewing for! It was good, it was different, it was a oatmeal rye bread that has some kind of sprouts in it. <p> For breakfast the last couple weeks have either been oatmeal, peanut butter toast or  sometimes eggs.  I think I need to bake some quick breads to give them something else!  Lunch is leftovers or PB and J sandwiches lately! <p> I want to try this recipe I found called Pumpkin Apple Streusel Muffins, doesn’t that sound good?

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