This morning, my toddler son came up to me and very seriously said "I had a baby, mom." I looked up from reading and looked to see and he was holding a large firetruck under one arm. "Here it is!"  <p>Later he came up with more trucks to show me the rest of his "babies" and then interjected "And I have a sword too!!" <p> I thought it was funny as he very much a boy, yet playing with babies was okay as long as they are trucks and he has a sword!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Cute!! :)

  2. drewsfamilytx

    Don't you just love it?!

    My littlest one comes up to me with his blue blankie all bundled up in a ball. He cradles it carefully (well, sometimes) and says "You like my baby, mommy? Shhh… baby go sleep right here, okay?"

    I just love it. They grow up waaaay too fast!

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