It is one I am just barely hanging onto, too! This last week P. got sick with a cold, it has not been a big deal although he gone back and forth between being really sick and not sick at all. <p> We are doing a bunch of studies for history for Black History Month, which I believe is this month, if I am not mistaken. If I am, oh well!
Anyhow, we had found some really interesting things, but one of the nicest things was a interactive history adventure book.  It is non-fiction, but it is kind of like those choose your own adventure stories and however you choose determines the ending!  It is the first time I have seen them excited about a book and so, of course that got me excited!  I think we are going to try lapbooking finally too!
I  did this apron swap and got a beautiful apron in the mail! it is really pretty and I will post a picture of it soon!

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