It was discussing the links science is finding between autism and use of pitocin in labor. As a doula, this interests me, although I am sure they have much further to go with it. It was saying they started to wonder as they found that the ‘love hormone” oxytoxin can sometimes be used to  help autistic children. They are wondering if the artificial contractions, combined with a high dose of artificial oxytoxin is causing the brain to somehow not function correctly. It went on to explain different scientific reasons as to why and how this could be.

It makes me wonder sometimes as it seems like more and more, I am seeing women who are being encouraged to be induced and they are told there is no harm at all to the baby.   I know we all know that usually  when we use artificial means of induction, we are causing the need for other interventions, which in turn can cause other complications. This is pretty much a fact, but what if there was something that it is doing to the baby?  Should we not weigh the risks  to see which ones are worse?

Many inductions are because of moms who are tired of being pregnant, or overdue, or fear of a large baby, or even a fast labor….and not being able to reach the hospital in time.

Who knows if pitocin is causing  autistic children, but if there is a possibility, I think before we choose this intervention we should make sure we weigh the risks very carefully and inform ourselves before making the decision to listen to the doctor and accept that it causes no harm to the baby.

I find it interesting sometimes when medical care professionals seem to hand out info, even false info with an air of assurance and knowledge and the patients accept it because it is coming from the doctor. I remember asking the doctor if it was okay to take something during pregnancy. She assured me it was. Later, (because she was a good doctor) she must have doubted herself as she went and looked it up and found out, it was really not recommended and I should avoid it if at all possible.

I think sometimes it is a good idea to request more info on medication, especially when there is an unborn child at risk or an infant if you are breastfeeding. Sometimes doctors make mistakes too, and they appreciate you asking them for more info  as it helps them to double check at times. If they get offended or snap back at you, they are not a doctor worth their salt.

Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Loretta

    “When in doubt, don’t” is my motto. I have several friends who are doctors, and they would agree with you 100% about a doctor who takes offense if you ask for more information. The good ones appreciate patients who educate themselves, and the really good ones will listen when you have something new to tell them (like this pitocin thing) and then they’ll check it out. There is so much new info out there and so much journal reading to do, it’s not unusual for the patient (who has the vested interest) to be the first to find out about something

  2. charity

    wow, thats good info… there are so many things that we eat, use, take and do that give us other problems down the road.
    I also read that the symptoms of Autism and mercury poisoning are almost exactly the same on every point.

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