In Every Heartbeat
by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Reviewed by Martha Artyomenko
Three good friends, growing up in the same orphanage have many similarities, but so many differences. They each have different plans for their future! Libby hopes to be a journalist, Pete a minister, and Bennett just wants to have as much fun as possible. World War One is approaching though and tensions rise around them and within them. Will the differences drive them apart in spite of their common bond?
This story is a great story speaking of the struggles that faced orphans during this era. It was considered a disgrace to be an orphan, but to be a partially crippled one was even harder for Pete.
I related more to Pete than the other characters in this book. I was irritated by Bennett and his lust for fun and lack of seriousness. Libby….well, she was just naive maybe or blind sometimes.
I enjoy Ms. Sawyer’s writing about this era most though from among her other books and I recommend it!
(Book provided for review from Bethany House publishing)