It is going to be another hot weekend here. Last Friday broke alot of records in our area, and this Friday, is going to almost get that hot again.  We are planning on going to the park awhile this afternoon, so i hope we live. I need to fill up water  bottles so we have plenty with us. <p>  I felt like i slept in, but it was just about 7 am when I got up.  I get up early to shut the windows, before it starts to warm up outside. It keeps the house nice and cool that way.  i was up late though, doing some projects and read a book.  <p> This morning  I worked on charts for school. I am going to make charts for schoolwork, and see if  it helps them with a goal each day to get school done this fall.  It feels like summer just started and the stores are putting out school supplies already!  "sigh". <p> I am really inspired to get organized though, my house is a mess though and I need a shower, so maybe I should start by doing things? <p> Some small ants invaded my bedroom this last week. I have been killing them, but now bought poison and traps, so hopefully they are gone soon. I hate ants in the house, or any crawling thing.  if it s a spider, i don’t like it and I kill it, but if it is a big spider…..that is not fun! thankfully, none of them come in! <p> Yesterday i had to go to the grocery store and fabric store, the fabric store had the computers down, so  they had to write everything by hand. I was late getting to bible study and a friend called to visit just as I was walking out the door.  I am almost to bible study when my sister calls and says it was canceled!   I was almost there, so I visited with her awhile and then headed off for an errand for my mom and a planning meeting for a small family reunion we are having. There are only going to be about 46 people, so it will not be that bad, but it is alot of work!  I could use ideas for outdoor activities to keep children busy.  We are working on getting a tether ball, they have a swing set, a trampoline, I was thinking about horseshoes? Any other ideas? There is a big yard!  <p> Anyhow, it was late when I got home, figured out dinner, which was bean and cheese burritos and I had a salad. <p> So, now off to my shower and my day! I hope it is not too hot where you are at! 

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