I made these for breakfast this morning! They were really easy and have sort of a sweet taste to them without any sugar. <p> I got the original recipe from The More with Less cookbook
<p>What amazed me was the lack of leavening and yet they were not fluffy, but puffed up nicely!<p>High Protein pancakes or Waffles-Combine in Blender:
1 c. cottage cheese <p> 4 eggs<p> 1/2 c. whole wheat flour<p> 1/4 t. salt<p> 1/4 c. olive oil<p> 3 T. powdered milk 1/2 c. water<p> 2 T. whole flax seeds <p> Whirl in blender for at least one minute. Cook on a greased pan like any other pancakes. Makes about 12-15 small pancakes. <p> I like to not have breakfast be a huge deal,  I usually do not eat breakfast, so it is mostly the boys. I try to keep it really simple. We eat  cold cereal  (healthier stuff, like plain cheerios or something like that), eggs, or oatmeal. If I am feeling nice, I make something bigger like pancakes! But this is a really easy recipe so I may make it more as it fills them up and keeps them awhile until lunch! <p> Besides the ice cream treat we are going to, I have grocery shopping to do today!  Off to look at sale ads! 

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. stillearning

    We have more with less too. We like the grandma's pancakes (Russian) and even had them this morning but the ones you posted do sound healthier. I'm glad that I read your suggestions I will have to try it. I like using flax seeds. Do you grind them first or use the whole ones?

    God Bless, Pam

  2. amandasangels

    I'm glad to hear about the meds change and that you all got to go out and eat. I love chinese food and we have a really nice chinese buffet place here too. I may have to try this pancake recipe. My kiddos love pancakes. I will admit though that I usually just do either cold cereal or toast with either butter or peanut butter. Did you read Diana's post about cold cereals? I hope that the results of that study were only due to the fact that rats are so small. Their internal processes are bound to differ from ours, right? :I
    Love & Blessings,
    (: Amanda :)
    P.S. I meant to ask you if you will turn on your rss feed. It helps me to keep up with my favorite blogs.

  3. Anonymous

    Oooh, I am definitely going to try these out. I'm always looking for ways to boost my protein intake.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!


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