It feels like harvest time for me! I have been canning, not tons like some people, but a bit for me!

i made pickles this week- 12 jars- Today I canned a batch of peach jam and 8 jars of beets. My freezer is full of meat, frozen peaches, apricots, raspberries, cherries and i made a large batch of meatballs today also, so put a good sized bag of those in the freezer. <p. It feels good! I still have some cucumbers, but i have to see if they are still good for pickles as they are a couple days old now.

I just wish I had more food to can without having to buy it! It would be so nice to have a large garden, although a ton of work…then I would also have to brave the spiders and other bugs that love green leafy plants. I am really not that scared of them, but crawling on me…..eeww. I shake all over at the thought! I have been scared to weed my one bed ever since the last time I did i had a very large spider that resembled a hobo on me. I did not wake to discover what it was, and I have not weeded it much since! P. likes to do it for me, and it is not done as well sometimes, but oh well!

I picked several roma tomatoes today and a zuchuni. I don’t get alot from my tiny garden, but I do not have to buy fresh tomatoes all summer! Oh, my pepper plant also has had some nice peppers.

The weather has been beautiful, today we went to a small park down the street for lunch. It was really nice minus the bees that showed up when my sister tried to eat a sandwich with meat on it, but the boys all got some really good exercise.

I sent in my letter to the school district today for intent to homeschool. We are working hard, hopefully we see some good progress here. P. is still struggling a bit with reading, he can do it, but it is hard work. He does not like it yet. H. on the other hand struggles more with the math side of things. I just pray that I can keep everyone on track the whole time, sometimes I feel like I am being pulled in 5 different directions! With the nice weather, I would love to ride my bike some, I have not been able to for years!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. loefflermom

    Yea! for canning!

    I got my letter mailed off too!

    Seasons of life – You will eventually have time for your stuff. Hang in there!


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