I was thinking last night as I was laying in bed and remembering the night before Hans was born.

After the Y2K scare my in-laws left us with tons of food so even though I was not one of those people that prepared, I had a ton of food!

We had a whole bunch of pork ribs they bought in our “freezer” and since the weather was starting to get warm suddenly we needed to use it up! So, I had a get together of sorts and Mike and Kathy, Larry and Debbie and everyone else came over and we had BBQ'ed pork and beef ribs. I woke up in the middle of the night with horrible stomach pains, (Pork does that to me sometimes), it made me go into labor though, which I was happy for.

I was 10 days overdue and running down the streets of Duluth did not seem to do much!

We got up to find it was raining we had to get into town to the house we were going to have the baby at.

Fred was nervous and loading the van up with all sorts of stuff “just in case”. Hans was born about 3.5 hours later and then the fun began!

I had to go to the doctor for a checkup, then we found out the road defrosted so we could not drive back to our house. It started pouring rain, right when I went into labor and defrosted that fast!

I managed to get a scary ride in the Bronco, then was half carried by Sergey and Larry into Bobbi's house. I spent three days there, before I could walk the couple hundred feet to my house.

It was the worst recovery I had out of all my babies, but one of the best labors…so I guess I decided later, I want the nice recoveries and the bad labor instead. Anyhow, we got a little fat baby 8 lbs 9 oz and only 19 in long named Hans!

So, Happy Birthday , Hans! Glad you are 6 years old and the little joy of our lives!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Lilyofthevalley4

    Happy birthday, Hans!!!!

  2. acrunchymama

    thanks for sharing your birth story! it was fun to read!

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