Do you think life ever slows down? I was just realizing today though in spite of all the things I am not doing, I am happy. I am not in college achieving good grades and degrees. I am only a stay at home mom raising 4 boys, when some days I wonder if I am raising them or they are dragging me!

I cook meals that disapear and my fridge is still disorganized! In spite of all of this, I am happy! I have 5 boys/men in my life who love me very much! They get excited over things like apples and brocolli! The other day H. says “Mom, it has been a really long time since we had broccoli soup. Do you think you could make some?” The next son says later in the day “Can I have a sandwich for lunch?

“We have no bread” I replied

“Then can I have some brocolli?” He asks all excited

Sad to say we were out of that too and something else was for lunch, but I rejoice I have children who love healthy food.

Anyhow, just rambling away here!

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  1. drewsfamilytx

    Loving broccoli is definitely something to rejoice over! My dh hates it, I LOVE it and my boys (all of them!) like it pretty well. The baby (well, he’s almost 2 now) LOVES the tops– which is great since I like the stalk.

    Ahhh…the little things in life…Having a family to share it all with– that is true happiness. I have a degree and all it’s just a piece of paper that cost me a lot of time, tears and money– still paying for it, actually, and it has been over 10 years!


    PS Have you ever heard of JenIG’s broccoli soup? That’s what your post reminded me of…I’ll have to try to make some sometime. Feel free to post your recipe!

  2. Maria

    That’s awesome. lynette always asks to substitute the fries for salad at a resturaunt.

  3. Lilyofthevalley4

    Being happy with all of the “little” things in life is a blessing. It is so important!!

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