I had to go do some shopping today and I tend to avoid stores this time of year, but saw that the mall opened really early this morning. I decided to go there for fun sort of and do the rest of my shopping too, so I would not be gone all day. <p> I got to Herberger’s and they gave me a free chocolate bar  and a coupon. They said to open it and when I did,  I had won a free $10 gift card! It was such a nice surprise, it really made my day. What was really nice, is usually  they are so expensive that would not go far, but they had some good doorbuster sales and I found a sweater/jacket for under $10 that is so nice and warm! It was perfect!<p> It was a really nice birthday present! <p> I also was able to go to  some second  hand stores and found 3 pairs of nice ice skates, 2 were in great shape, almost new looking, and one will work for my husband. He does not want to skate alot, but sometimes, I thought it would be fun. I have not gone in a long time so I have a feeling I should wear alot of padding when I go! I got a couple other pairs from a friend and if I find one more, we will have enough for the whole family.
<p>  The house smells good as I have beans simmering on the stove with garlic in them, it sort of makes everything warm and inviting. It was a little chilly outside this morning. I think they said it was down to 5 degrees.  It is so beautiful out, the air feels crisp and clean! The cold really kills germs, bugs, and stuff  so I like it for that reason too! Now though we are really praying for snow. It sort of skipped us as north of us and south got snow and not us.  The ski hill had enough though to open today,  I guess, which is important to some people in this area. <p>
We are off to my niece’s birthday party! She is 8 years old already, my youngest niece and she is the last girl born to our family so far. We have alot of little boys and are lacking in the little girls a bit. I realized today that I  have a harder time thinking about what little girls like.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Belle

    It sounds like you had a good day! That is nice that you got a free $10 gift card!!!
    I love to shop at second hand stores. A person can get some really good deals by shopping second hand!
    I hope I get some snow where I live too!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    God Bless,

  2. Lilyofthevalley4

    What a neat gift, Martha!! I'm so glad you were able to get out!

  3. Anonymous

    That is great, Martha. I remember loving Herbergers and wishing they weren't so expensive. What a fun birthday present.
    Several weeks ago I went to town by myself(with baby) but that almost counts because he is practically connected still, and I met Grace West for dinner. I was the most relaxing, rejuvenating thing I have done in forever. It is good for mom's to get out. I wish we lived closer to each other…. Have a great day! ~Diana

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