As evidenced by my buckling bookshelves, I have a lot of books!!!
I thought it might be time to share a few with my readers!
On this giveaway, I have 4 different books to giveaway…..
The Canary List by Sigmund Brouwer  (Suspense, mystery)
Sarai by Jill Smith (Biblical fiction) 
The Air we breathe by Christa Parrish
Countdown to Death Debby Giusti
If you would like to enter for this giveaway, you have to do two things….
#1- Become a follower on my blog. This is very simple to do!! Leave a comment that you completed this with the answer to #2 as well.
#2- What is your dream vacation? Which book would you like to win to take on that vacation?
Make sure to leave your email address like this abby (at) yahoo (dot) com so that I have a way to contact you.
Have fun entering!! I will be giving away each of these to separate people, so 4 people have a chance to win….so let me know which one you would prefer to be entered for.
This giveaway is simply something I am doing to share with you. If something happens to the book in transit, it is delayed or lost, I am not responsible.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. RamblingsByEmily

    I’m a follower now :)
    My dream vacation is to go to Hawaii and I would bring loads of books with me. One being 31 Kisses by Chautona Havig!

  2. Beth Rumbaugh

    There are too many places I would like to go, Hawaii, Europe, etc., but I would love to travel the USA to see the National Parks and famous historical sights. Of the books being given away, The Canary List sounds good. I love mystery & suspense. I would also take anything by Colleen Coble I haven’t read.

  3. Jasmine A.

    What a neat idea!
    Jasmine A.
    montanamade (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Jasmine A.

      I forgot to say that I Follow your blog, that’s how I heard about this giveaway. And my dream vacation would either be a month in Ireland traveling around and seeing the small villages or a month traveling in Alaska.
      Jasmine A.
      montanamade (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. Bonnie

    My dream vacation is to tour Maine or Vermont. I would like to bring The Canary List.

  5. I signed up to follow your blog, and my dream vacation would be to return to the coast of Maine! I’ve been there numerous times in the distant past, and would love to go back and enjoy the shore.

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