We visited the pumpkin patch locally here, twice this month, once with the MOPS group and once with homeschool moms from church. In the end we came home with 8 pumpkins!
This of course is wonderful and i am pulling out all my recipes for pumpkin and of course, like I said in the last post, looking for more. Here are a couple of my favorites already! They are wonderful frugal ways to use up pumpkin.
Pumpkin Bread
2/3c. butter
1 2/3 c. sugar
4 eggs
1 can (16 oz) or 2 c. pumpkin
2/3 c. water
3 1/3 c. all purpose flour (I have used part whole wheat)
2 t.  baking soda
1 1/2 t. salt
1/2 t. baking powder
1 t. cinnamon
1 t. ground cloves
<p> Heat oven to 350. Grease 2 large loaf pans with shortening or cooking spray (I like to use shortening rather than oil  as otherwise they stick) or 3 smaller ones (not the real small ones, but the smaller loaf ones)
Mix butter and sugar, add eggs, pumpkin and water. Blend in  dry ingredients. Pour into pans. Bake until toothpick comes out clean, about an hour and 10 min. Cool slightly before removing from pans.  Store wrapped in the fridge.
Pumpkin Sheet Cake
I actually tried this one last winter with winter squash and pumpkin. It turned out good, although the winter squash was a little more bland.
4 eggs, beaten
1 c. sugar (I cut it in half already, if you like things sweeter, you may want more.)
1/2 t. salt
2 t. soda
2 c. flour
1 c. oil
2 c. pumpkin
2 c. flour
1/2 t. cinnamon
The more you beat the eggs, the higher the cake. Mix altogether and bake in jelly roll pan at 350 for 20-25 minutes. I do not remember, but I think I added more pumpkin and cut down the oil a little, (Later, I have used more pumpkin and only used 1/4 to 1/3 c. oil in the cake). It is really good with cream cheese icing, but  that sort of takes away from the frugal part of it, unless you get it really cheap!
I am thinking about experimenting with pumpkin Whoopee pies…..I have not had those in a long time. Hmmm, I would have to get brave, those are alot of work!


Postscript: Question in comments asked how I cooked them. I have found the easiest way if I want mashed pumpkin, just to halve it, pull out the seeds and place  skin side up in a cookie sheet and bake until soft. Then I scoop the insides out and mash it up. We also like the pumpkin seeds fried.
Tonights dinner was Cheddar Chowder. It sure was good too!  it cost about $3 to make and we have plenty for another meal.

It is all full of potatoes, carrots, celery and some turkey ham in a cheesy, creamy sauce.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    Thanks for sharing your recipies. Can't wait to try them. Thanks again!
    Have a blessed day!
    Love & Prayers, Eileen

  2. Anonymous

    Do you have a good method for getting the pumpkin out of the pumpkin??
    Do you boil it or cook it in the oven. (-:

  3. Redbud

    The pumpkin sheet cake is new to me. I'll have to give it a try.

  4. Anonymous

    I love pumpkin and we have some Mennonite ladies in our area that make the pumpkin whoopie pies and they are delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  5. rellamom

    Hi! Thanks for the comment. My sister just made pumkin pie yesterday. Yummy! :-) I like pumkin things.
    We use either Rod and Staff or Christian Light Publications' tracts.I want to get some more soon. I do have quite a few to last me right now, though.


  6. rellamom

    Hello, Martha! I saw you were online. :-)


  7. Anonymous

    Maggie here!

    Those all look so yummy! I enjoy the pumpkin bread recipe from TEACH once in a while, although I've never tried it with an actually pumpkin. I should get some, as I know Josiah likes the roasted seeds

  8. Homemaker05

    Thanks for the recipes! I made the Pumkin Bread on Friday. Unfortunately, I forgot my oven was messed up and my DH wasn't coming home till really late. Good news though… you can whip up this batter and refridgerate it over night. I popped it in the (fixed) oven Saturday morning and enjoyed the yummy smell of Pumkin all morning. We enjoyed some this morning in Sunday School and everyone loved it!


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