I enjoy getting magazines, I am not able to subscribe to many of them, but I do have a couple of favorites! <p> Sometimes I have gotten magazines for free without knowing why!! That is always fun! There are a couple that you can get for free  if you are expecting a baby or just had one. American Baby and Baby Talk. Sometimes when  you sign up for these they will often send your name to others like Family Fun and I have gotten Better Homes and Gardens Magazine also somehow although I am not sure how!<p> There is the free cooking one like Kraft Food and Family.<p> There are others like TEACH magazine you can get  by blogging for the magazine. <p> Ask your friends and family too, because  there are some magazines like Light and Tasty magazine and Taste of Home Magazine which will sometimes give them a free year subscription to give to a friend. I have gotten a subscription to both of these that way, costing both my friend and I, nothing! <p> Keepers at Home (They do not have a website, but is one of my all time favorite magazines) had a special awhile back where you buy a subscription and you got one free for a friend. The Old Schoolhouse and TEACH magazine also have great giveaways when you do subscribe to their magazines which is always fun!  <p>  As a warning, sometimes you can get signed up for magazines you do not want  when you sign up for some free magazines. I got one that was sort of new agey health magazine and had to write and tell them not to send me anymore. It ended up going out of business at the same time I guess though and  I get a different subscription to a okay, but boring health magazine. So, look careful before you sign up for things.  Do you have favorite magazines?


Martha Artyomenko is an unpublished fiction author who has published some nonfiction magazine articles and reviews over the years. An avid reader and mother of four sons, she brings her many years of expertise to play when writing realistic fiction about topics of mothering, domestic violence, and childbirth. In her free time, if she is not reading, you will find her walking while musing about her next story to write or traveling to learn history for another story. Martha Artyomenko supports authors by running an active social media group (Avid Readers of Christian Fiction) and newsletter promoting niche fiction authors that would otherwise be unknown. Join me by leaving a comment or signing up for the newsletter.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. kangaroo

    Ok, martha, like you blog btw! I like to go to the library and check out magazines and I also like to buy a huge stack of them from teh library for under a dollar!!! I love having magazines around, esp when I am kind of blue or restless and need something frivilous to look at LOL. anyway, hope this is a helpful idea! you have some good ideas for free mags, I will look into those! Roo

  2. Heather

    Don't forget to check out eBay — you won't get the magazines free, but you can get very inexpensive subscriptions to many different magazines. I also like to get magazines at the library sales.

  3. Anonymous

    I have gotten Parenting for years and I don't know why. Teach looks like a great magazine, but I didn't see where I could get it for free. Could you point me in the right direction?
    I don't know if you read The Motherload http://www.momadvice.com/blog
    But she often has free magazines on her Freebie Fridays. They are more trade typs magazines, but I got Horticulture, which I find very interesting.

  4. Anonymous

    We recently got one free, I'm not sure how (I must have signed up for it though). It's called Experience. We (particulary DH) love it!


  5. Anonymous

    Every once in awhile.. my favorite "freebie" site will list free magazine subscriptions, or I get them through startsampling.com. However, mostly I'm not interested in the content. My favorite "Free" magazine was a recent 2 year subscription to Family Fun, and we really enjoyed it.
    phoenixfreebies.com is the place I check occasionally for free magazines.

    I really do enjoy your blog Martha! sorry I haven't commented before :D

  6. Martha

    To get TEACH for free you have to just agree to blog about every issue you receive. It is not too hard! Email me at ads (at) teachmagazine (dot) com and I will tell you how to sign up. Tell your friends too, all they have to do is be regular bloggers

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