Cabbage always seems to go on sale this time of year and I love cabbage so I always stock up! did you know if you keep it cold, it will last a long time just in your fridge. My MIL will buy a whole bunch and make huge tubs of sauerkraut type cabbage this time of year. It is really tasty if you have not eaten it when you had morning sickness!

I thought I would post a couple of my favorite frugal recipes that use cabbage for fun!

This first one is not terribly cheap, but I was given a whole bunch of velveeta cheese before and canned cabbage so I used this recipe and you know, you may wrinkle up your nose to think about it, but I had so many people who disliked cabbage like this, try it first!

Cabbage Casserole

1 large cabbage shredded about 12 c. cooked and drained

1 onion diced 5 T margarine

1 1/2 c. white sauce (1 1/2 c. milk with 1 T. cornstarch, cooked until thick and add salt and pepper to taste)

8 oz. cubed american cheese

In frying pan fry onion until clear in butter or margarine. Add white sauce and cheese. Stir until melted. Mix with cooked cabbage Add salt and pepper to taste

Put into baking casserole dish Mix 1/4 c. bread crumbs and 1 T melted margarine

Sprinkle on top of cabbage mixture Bake at 350 20-30 min. and until heated through 6-8 servings


(this makes alot)

1 c. mayonnaise

1/2 c. sugar

1 t. garlic powder

1 t. salt

1 T. celery seed

2 T. vinegar

Mix dressing all together. This lasts a long time in the fridge. When we made it for my wedding we had it forever afterwards it seemed! It does not take very much to make coleslaw . You slice the cabbage you want and add some dressing. Start with a little bit and it will not look like enough, but let it set awhile in the fridge and it will get all creamy and be plenty! Borcht

Start with a pan according to how much you want

You can boil a bone to get broth or you can use beef boullion and add cooked meat later or whatever. Fill pan about 1/3 -1/2 way with cubed potatoes, cover with broth. Simmer until potatoes are almost done. Add 1/2 head cabbage VERY finely sliced

Simmer on low

Meanwhile in frying pan cook 1/2 onion in a small bit of oil until yellowed, Add 1-2 grated carrots and fry a few minutes, add 5 small canned beets, grated or 1 fresh beet, peeled and grated to carrots, fry awhile. Add 8 oz. tomato sauce to pan and 1 c. water. Simmer 5 min.

Add to large pot

Simmer about 15 min until flavors combine, potatoes are soft. Add a bay leaf and 2 t. dillweed. Fresh is nice, but dry is fine too. Taste the soup and see if it needs salt. Add salt to taste.

Serve with a spoon of sour cream on top and with fresh bread.

Layered dinner

On bottom of roaster pan layer a thick layer of potatoes, followed by carrots, cabbage, green beans, and any other vegetable you want, slat and peppering every layer.

Top with a pound of browned ground beef.

Make a white sauce (I like to use bacon if I have it and make the white sauce with the bacon. I used to do this when we got end pieces cheap), spice it and pour over top. Cover top of roaster and bake until potatoes are tender. Do not add water! The cabbage makes alot of juicy liquid.

This is nice as it takes a couple hours, for Sundays to put in before church. I have also made it in the crockpot. You can use cream of something soup if you have it.

One dish with cabbage I have made is pretty easy, it is a russian dish my MIL taught me to make.

First in a frying pan you brown cubed meat or chicken pieces, then you top with 1 or 2
onions sliced thinly and halved. Do Not Stir!

Top with a grated
carrot, ( you will want to have this over very low heat) still not
stirring, then about 5 cups very very thinly sliced cabbage.

Mix about 2-3
T. ketchup with about 3/4 c. water and pour over. (don’t stir stil).

Cover tightly. Simmer on
low for about 15 minutes before stirring, don’t stir too much. Cook over very low heat until
cabbage is tender and flavors have blended about 45 minutes or so, add dill
weed and a bay leaf the last while of cooking. You can also use like
French fry type cut potatoes instead of cabbage!

There are all kinds of other recipes I have that use cabbage, but I will not bore you! I love it in salads also! Besides just regular coleslaw you can make one with just plain ranch dressing on it or with an asian twist with ramen noodles.

You can put cabbage in a vegetable soup! Another one of my favorites is Bierrocks, where you simmer cabbage and ground beef on the stove and and wrap whole wheat bread dough around it! Yummy!

Hope you have a wonderful week using all that cabbage up!

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. kangaroo

    Martha, these recepis are about to get printed and put in my recepi folder!!! I LOVE CABBAGE and the first recepi sounds like a dream!!! Now, the last one I am sooooooooooooo happy to see in print. Many many months a momys put that one on a thread and I guess it was you cuz I have thought ever since that i needed to find out who posted that and look that up again… I know exactly what we will be having for lunch on sunday!!! Now , I love slaw but I can't do the sugar, so I will use liquid stevia instead..I bet it will be great! I like cabbage because it fills me up but doesn't have all the carbs of potatoes, and i don't tolerate lots of carbs..but cabbage has enough carbs to give me energy and it is filling like pototoes-i can make a meal out of cabbage. money is tight right now so I will do what you say and stock up and keep it in the frig and have at least two cabbage meals this week and next. thanks!!

  2. Anonymous

    Great recipes Martha! I can't wait to try them out :)

  3. Marty

    I am doing cabbage this week to! I have it on my blog to!, I still have alot left so I will have to try some of your ideas.

  4. Anonymous

    I don't mean to be anoyous…just don't know my password. Sorry. I am missionmakeover.blogspot.
    Just wanted to let you know the recipes sound delious. I usually just fry bacon and then cook it in the drippings. I have a head that I want to try your layere recipe. Let you know how we like it. It sounded great!

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