It seems like the last few baby showers I have been at there are usually alot of clothes and not as much of the things that  the mom will need in the future, so i like to give something a little different. <p. My favorite gift is a book! <p> My babies always loved books, the hardbound ones with the bright colors, but they cost alot to get and give as well as buy yourself.<p> I have discovered though that Borders usually always has  these kind of books for under  $3 in their bargain area. They will also wrap the gift for you as well for free, which saves you the cost of wrapping. <p> I found the nicest cloth books there int hat section as well as the board books. <p> I also was at the Dollar Tree last week and  found  Kingfisher baby board books for $1 each.  Thee was 4 different ones which make it nice to give   as you can give a whole set for $4. <p> 

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. SmallWorld

    I'm almost always the only book-giver at baby showers. I LOVE to buy clothes and it is very hard to resist those cute little outfits, but 99% of shower gifts are clothes. We just had 4 or 5 baby showers at our church in the past few months, and only 1 mom had books on her gift registry! (I got most of them books anyway.) I can't bear to think of a baby without Goodnight Moon.

  2. Anonymous

    I always give books at showers. I used to be an English teacher, so I just consider it my little contribution to literacy. :-) Really, though, those books can be expensive, and new parents may not have the money to spend on non-necessities such as that. Clothes are cute, but people get so many of them…

    Ewokgirl (

  3. homeschoolingmommaof4

    That is a great tip! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Redbud

    LOL, you're among the choir: I love to give books, too! It's been a while since I've been to DT, so I have to take swing through with an eye to the books.

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