Okay, just in case you all missed it…I am having a contest for a free book. You need to guess where I was born….it is an unpopular state and it hasn't been guessed yet!

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  1. eclecticeducation

    The book sounds interesting so I’ll take a stab at it. Since I have no idea of the state, I’ll just say my own. Ohio. Thanks for reviewing the book.

  2. Anonymous

    Sounds like a good book. Let me see if I know… My guess is Eureka, California??? ~Diana

  3. mrskitch

    How about Kansas?!! I guessed my own state too.

  4. Anonymous

    how about Oregon?


  5. Anonymous

    Could it be Montana? Just a guess of course!
    What a fun idea!

    Tonya in CO

  6. Anonymous

    how about minnesota?

    Trish Crawfurd

  7. momtogirls5

    are you from Washington State? You said one time that you had a teacher who is a pastor at a church in my home town. (you and I belong to the same headcovering group) but now that I think about it, I think he and his late wife were from Oregon. Well….Washington is still my guess.


  8. Anonymous

    It’s a toss between Mississippi and Arkansas…
    So, (drum roll)…I’m going with Arkansas.

  9. Lilyofthevalley4


  10. Martha

    Wow, those are some good guesses! One of them is the right state……..

  11. Anonymous

    I know I know!! But I’m sure you don’t want me to spoil it. Diana almost guessed where i was born!

  12. Priscilla

    Okay, It’s something like Redmond, CA. Or something like that. Where your grandparents are from, I think =) Am I close?

  13. Priscilla

    Wait, wait, wait! Redding.

    (Maria wouldn’t tell me, but I’m pretty sure I’m right because she said I had a good memory!)

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