Here is the french bread recipe, hope it makes sense!

I used to think that those recipes where they just listed the ingredients and didn't tell you how to mix it, were so nutty!

I found now as I have more experience cooking, I would use those more!

My own recipes are hard to write the directions out to, because I do it by feel!

French Bread

5 c. flour 4 T yeast

1/4 c. sugar 4 T crisco

5 c. hot water

Mix well. Add 12-14 c. white flour until very, very stiff dough. Knead until smooth

Let raise on the counter until doubled

Shape into 4 large french loaves, by dividing in 4, and rolling each portion of dough out and rolling up into long loaves..

Cut decorative slashes in the top. Let raise until almost doubled and bake for about 20-30 min at 350 or until sound hollow on sides.

You want to tap the sides, because it will often sound hollow on the top when it is not done in the middle as it sort of gets crusty on the top

Sometimes when I roll it up I like to roll spices like garlic and italian seasoning up in it and then I serve it with spaghetti! Dip this into sauce! It is better than breadsticks and only 1T fat per loaf!

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  1. Anonymous

    Well, I am finally starting to actually want to learn how to cook more since I have become a SAHM. I like that you have recipes posted and think that I will try the French Bread to see how it turns out. I will let you know if it turns into a disaster or not lol. I have seen a few others that I will try to, but I have to work up to everything.


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