I hit some good food sales today and even though some of the stuff i do not need right now, it was a good price and will keep.

12 hour Produce sale Super One

Potatoes $1.37 10 lbs. Grapes .78 lb.

Bananas .31 pound Leaf Lettuce .68 head

Green Peppers 3/ $1 Broccoli .78 lb

Smiths 25 year sale

Flour Tortillas .75 each Frozen Vegetables asst. kinds like Broccoli.Cauliflower mix, Fiesta mix etc. .75 1 lb. package

Strawberries $1 1lb. package

I bought a bunch of strawberries which I think I will freeze some. I was considering making some jam out of them too, but they taste so good the other ways and I am making lots of apricot jam! I make a batch last night which turned out really good! I was actually surprised for some reason. It set up really nice and one jar, i could not fit in the canner, so H. tasted some this morning when he had breakfast and said it was really good! The only thing that is hard for me to make this is when we were pitting them, paul found a couple of huge worms inside 2 of them. Out of the whole batch that is not bad, but I really hate worms. I know, I should be used to it, but in something you are going to eat, just really makes my stomach churn.

Anyhow, the batch of jam ended up costing me like $3 for 6 pints, which is not bad for jam. We go through it really fast as my boys and husband love Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches. It is the standard snack around here! Maybe this will save us a bit, this winter.

So far I have frozen raspberries, maybe 8 bags, canned some cherries and froze some, canned some jam and am planning on drying a few apricots as well.

This Post Has 0 Comments

  1. Sandlappersue

    Wow! What great deals you found. That's some massive savings. I remembered that was your husband's name as soon as I saw you had commented. Sorry! Please don't take offense. LOL
    Well, at least you know it wasn't him as you live far away. LOL

    I enjoyed seeing the reunion pictures.

    Yes, I think that some of the valleys we go through are mainly caused because of spiritual reasons. I know I am guilty as charged. Keep praying and reading His Word. Remember that Jesus is the Victor!
    Have a great day in the LORD.


  2. drewsfamilytx

    I just love finding a good deal!

    My boys don't mind having blueberry jam in their PBJ's but dh insists on grape jelly. JELLY. Grape. Fake stuff from the store. Oh well…it leaves more jam for me!

    I wonder if he'd notice me mixing the two…

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